Involvement of the Notch Signaling Pathway in Circadian Clock-Regulated Vascular Sprouting(A) Zebrafish embryos received bmal1 (B1MO, 0.2 pmol/embryo), period2 (P2MO, 0.2 pmol/embryo) or vegf (VEGFMO, 0.1 pmol/embryo) morpholinos, either alone or in combination with DAPT (100 μM), rbpsuh morpholino (RbpsuhMO, 0.1 pmol/embryo), or in the mind-bomb background. The embryos were subsequently raised under the LD condition. Arrows point to ISV braches in each group. Scale bar is 100 μm.(B) Quantification of the average ± SEM. ISV density or number of branches/segment of 72 hpf embryos in (A) (average n = 23 embryos/group).(C) Zebrafish embryos received period2 (P2MO, 0.2 pmol/embryo) alone or in combination with DAPT (100 μM), rbpsuh morpholino (RbpsuhMO, 0.1 pmol/embryo), or in the mind-bomb background. The embryos were subsequently raised under LD or LL conditions. Arrows point to ISV braches in each group. Scale bar is 100 μm.(D) Quantification of the average ± SEM. ISV density or number of branches/segment of 72 hpf embryos in (C) (average n = 23 embryos/group). p < 0.05; p < 0.001; and p < 0.001. NS, not significant.