Fig. 3
The sqt 3′UTR is necessary and sufficient for dorsal activity of sqt RNA. (A) Schematic of constructs used to express mutant sqt fused with globin 3′UTR (black; sqtSTOP:glo), sqt 32UTR (blue; sqtSTOP:sqt), venus (green) fused with globin 3′UTR (venus:glo) or sqt 3′UTR (venus:sqt). (B-I) Expression of gsc at 30% epiboly (B-E) is expanded in zebrafish embryos injected with sqtSTOP:sqt (C) or venus:sqt (E), but not with sqtSTOP:glo (B) or venus:glo (D). Dorsal expansion by the sqt 3′UTR is transient and is not detected at 60% epiboly (F-I). (J) Angle of gsc expansion in injected embryos at 30% epiboly. Each blue dot represents a single embryo. N indicates the number of injected embryos for each RNA and μ(°) shows mean gsc angles. Scale bar: 100 μm. |