Injection of ring1b mRNA rescues pectoral fin outgrowth and restores hoxd9a and tbx5 expression in ring1b mutants. (A-J) Lateral views of 32 hpf embryos stained for hoxd9a (A-E) and 48 hpf fin buds stained for tbx5 (F-J). Anterior expansion of axial hoxd9a expression in ring1b mutants is suppressed by exogenous wild-type ring1b mRNA in a dose-dependent manner (C-E, arrowheads). (K,L) Fin-bud hoxd9a (A-E, arrows) and tbx5 expression (F-J) is restored (arrows) in injected ring1b mutants and fin bud outgrowth is partially rescued at 72 hpf (compare K with L). (M) Western-blot analysis for myc-tagged Ring1b shows dose-dependent expression in 24 hpf embryos. (N) Exogenous Ring1b protein is markedly reduced in 48 hpf embryos.