Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-120126-80
- Publication
- Neto et al., 2012 - The osr1 and osr2 genes act in the pronephric anlage downstream of retinoic acid signaling and upstream of wnt2b to maintain pectoral fin development
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Osr mRNAs rescue tbx5a and pax2a expression in double morphants embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridization using tbx5a and pax2a riboprobes on zebrafish embryos injected with osr1/osr2 morpholinos and osr1/osr1 splicing insensitive mRNA (MTosr1, MTosr2), as indicated. Panels show a dorsolateral view at 24 hpf. In each embryo, the limb bud is encircled in red and the pronephros is indicated with an arrowhead. (A) Control uninjected embryo. (B) Embryos co-injected with MOors1 and MOosr2. (C,D) Embryos co-injected with the two Osr morpholinos and the MTosr1 (C) or the MTosr2 (D) mRNA. Co-injection of either MTosr1 or MTosr2 mRNA rescues tbx5a and pax2a expression in limb buds and pronephros, respectively. |
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Stage: | Prim-5 |