Fig. S1
Dose dependent hematopoietic phenotype induced by nb/nbl MO. A–D. Tg(gata1:dsRed) std MO and nb/nbl MO (0.8pmol/embryo) at 48 hpf. Images were taken in bright field (A, B) and using a rhodamine emission filter (C, D). E–G. Analysis of the hemoglobin content by whole embryo o-dianisidine staining. 48 hpf std MO embryos (E) and nb/nbl morphants (1 pmol/embryo; F, G). At this dose the 62% of nb/nbl morphants shows a drastic reduction of the hemoglobin content (F), an additional 30% shows complete loss of hemoglobin staining (G). H. Injection of different doses of nb/nbl MO (0.8–1 pmol/embryo) produces a dose-dependent hematopoietic phenotype. The data are referred to a single typical experiment. |