brca2 expression in WT embryonic and adult zebrafish. (A) WISH for brca2 expression in zebrafish embryos with antisense (AS; Upper) and sense (S; Lower) probes at the indicated stages demonstrates expression of brca2 throughout embryogenesis. (B) In situ hybridization for brca2 expression in sections of adult zebrafish ovary and testis with AS (Middle) and S probes (Right) indicates that brca2 is expressed in oocytes, spermatogonia, and spermatocytes (arrows). H&E-stained sections of ovary (Left, Upper) and testis (Left, Lower) are provided for anatomic reference. I, stage I oocyte; II, stage II oocyte; III, stage III oocyte; sg, spermatogonia; sc, spermatocytes; sz, spermatozoa. (Scale bars: 100 μm for ovary; 50 7mu;m for testis.)