Germ cell specification, development, and survival in embryonic and adult brca2Q658X homozygotes. (A) WISH with antisense (AS) and sense (S) RNA probes for vasa indicates appropriate migration and colonization of the gonadal ridge in WT, brca2Q658X heterozygous, and brca2Q658X homozygous embryos. (B) Testes from WT, brca2Q658X heterozygotes, and brca2Q658X homozygotes show spermatocysts containing meiotic spermatocytes. (C) TUNEL staining of testes from WT, brca2Q658X heterozygotes, and brca2Q658X homozygotes. Multiple clusters of apoptotic spermatocytes are present in testes from brca2Q658X homozygotes (Inset). (D) Homozygous tp53M214K mutation rescues ovarian development in brca2Q658X homozygotes, but female brca2Q658X homozygous;tp53M214K homozygous zebrafish develop binucleate oocytes (Inset). sc, spermatocyst; msc, meiotic spermatocyst; I, type I oocyte; II, type II oocyte; III, type III oocyte. (Scale bars: 25 μm in B, 100 μm in C, and 500 μm in D.)