gata2-expressing, sim1-expressing and GABAergic cells are missing in the lateral floor plate of triple-knockdown zebrafish embryos. (A-F) Transverse sections through control morpholino-injected (A-C) and triple-injected (Mo-nkx2.9, Mo-nkx2.2a, Mo-nkx2.2b) (D-F) embryos were hybridized to gata2 (A,D) or sim1 (B,E) antisense probe or anti-GABA antibody (C,F). Cells in the lateral floor plate (arrowhead) that express gata2 and sim1 or that are GABAergic are abolished by triple knockdown of nkx2.2a, nkx2.2b and nkx2.9 (D-F), whereas cells expressing the same markers more dorsally appear unaffected. Embryos were 24 (A,C,D,F) or 48 (B,E) hpf. All transverse sections were cut at the level of the yolk extension. n, notochord. Scale bar: 25 μm.