The morpholinos (MOs) used in the present study are effective and do not result in nonspecific apoptosis. A-J: lats1MO2 and lats2MO2 used in the present study are effective. The strong expression of lats1:gfp or lats2:gfp fusion protein could be effectively blocked by co-injection of lats1MO2 or lats2MO2. The doses of gfp, lats1:gfp, and lats2:gfp plasmids are 100 pg/embryo respectively; the dose of lats1MO2 is 5 ng/embryo, and lats2MO2 is 6.6 ng/embryo. K-T: The lats1 and lats2 morphants did not show any nonspecific cell apoptosis at four-somite stage. KN,Q,R: There were no increased but even slightly decreased apoptosis in the lats1 (M,N) or lats2 (Q,R) morphants than the wild-type embryos (K,L) at four-somite stage. Embryos in K,M,O,Q,S are lateral view with dorsal to the right, and embryos in L,N,P,R,T are dorsal view with anterior to the top. Red arrows in K,L indicate the TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridinetriphosphate nick end-labeling) staining signals which reflect the cell apoptosis. The doses of lats1MO2, lats2MO2, and p53MO are 5 ng, 6.6 ng, and 2.2 ng per embryo, respectively. L1:gfp, lats1:gfp; L2:gfp, lats2:gfp; L1MO2, lats1MO2; L2MO2, lats2MO2.