Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-090804-5
- Publication
- Kurrasch et al., 2009 - Neuroendocrine transcriptional programs adapt dynamically to the supply and demand for neuropeptides as revealed in NSF mutant zebrafish
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Accumulated neuropeptide protein and the buildup of endoplasmic reticulum-like membranes in nsfst53 zebrafish. The levels of (A, B) hypocretin and (C, D) NPY protein in wild-type (WT) and nsfst53 zebrafish are shown (n = 8 each). Protein levels are increased in the soma (B, D). DAPI stained nuclei are also shown (A-D). Electron microscopy images from (E) wild-type and (F) nsfst53 zebrafish (n = 3 each). For EM analysis, neuroanatomical landmarks (obtained from [50]) and the presence of dense-core vesicles (Figure 4I) were used to locate the hypothalamus. The budding of secretory vesicles from the trans-Golgi network is highlighted (E, red arrowhead). A build up of ribosome-bound ER-like membranes in nsfst53 zebrafish is noted (F, red arrowhead). PM = plasma membrane. |