A low dose of cyclopamine does not affect Hh signaling in IFT mutants. A: Expression of ptc-1 is unaffected in 24-hpf embryos following addition of 5 μM cyclopamine to progeny of IFT heterozygous incrosses. At least 30 embryos were examined from each incross. Two representative embryos from each clutch are shown. Images show a lateral view of embryos, with anterior to the left. B: In situ hybridization experiment demonstrating that ptc-1 expression is increased in lep mutants. Arrow shows increased ptc-1 in the forebrain of lep mutants. High magnification reveals increased ptc-1 expression in the trunk of lep1 mutants (middle panel). Quantification of phenotypes are shown in the graph. C: At 5 dpf, the lens degeneration in lep mutants can be observed. The graph shows that addition of cyclopamine rescues this phenotype.