hox expression is initiated normally in brpf1 mutants. (A,B) hoxb1a (lateral views), (C,D) hoxb2a (lateral views) and (E,F) hoxa2b (dorsal views) whole-mount in situ hybridizations of wild-type sibling (A,C,E) and brpf1 mutant (B,D,F) embryos at segmentation stages (15 hpf is equivalent to the 12-somite stage; 18 hpf is equivalent to the 18-somite stage). Anterior Hox genes are initially expressed in hindbrain and cranial neural crest of mutants. Note that hoxa2b transcript levels in neural crest streams are already reduced, whereas in the hindbrain they are still normal (E,F). Rhombomere numbers (r) and cranial neural crest streams (2=hyoid; 3-7=gill arches) are indicated.