Fins regenerate faster in wnt5b mutant fish. (A) Dorsal half of regenerating tail fins of wild-type and wnt5b (ppt) homozygous mutant fish at 7 dpa. The amputation plane is indicated by a dashed red line, the length of the third fin ray by red or green bars and arrows. Note that the regenerate is longer in ppt than in wild-type fish. (B) The average length of the regenerate of wild-type and ppt mutant fish at 4 and 7 dpa in two independent experiments. To determine the length of the regenerate for individual fish, the average length of the third, fourth and fifth dorsal regenerating fin ray was calculated. Experiment 1: n=14 wild-type, 12 ppt fish. Experiment 2: n=12 wild-type, 11 ppt fish. Error bars represent the s.e.m. of the average regenerate lengths. For P values, see Table S2 in the supplementary material. Note that absolute fin lengths cannot be compared between experiments because water temperatures and thus regenerative speed and exact times of photography varied between experiments.