Fig. 4
Cell-autonomous role of Cdx1a/4 in suppressing posterior hindbrain identity. (A-C) Transplantation of Cdx1a/4-defective cells into wild-type embryos. Blastomere cells were isolated from embryos that received cdx1a/4MOs and FITC-dextran at the sphere stage and transplanted into sibling wild-type embryos. The embryos were fixed at 22 hpf and stained with a krox20 riboprobe (purple) and an anti-FITC antibody (red). High-magnification bright field (B) and fluorescent images (C) of the posterior neural tissues (encircled by a square in A). krox20-expressing and non-expressing transplanted cells are marked with black and red arrowheads, respectively, in B, or with white and red arrowheads in C. Scale bars: 100 μm in A; 500 μm in B. |