FGF signaling is required for induction of chordin by β-catenin, Squint and Bozozok. chd and bmp4 expression in ichabod embryos A,B) is restored to wild-type pattern by injection of β-catenin RNA (C,F), sqt RNA (I,L), or boz RNA (O,R). Co-injection of XFD RNA inhibits induction of chd by β-catenin (D), Sqt (J) and Boz (P), and dorsal repression of bmp4 by β-catenin (G) and Sqt (M). However, repression of dorsal expression of bmp4 by Boz is observed in XFD RNA-injected embryos (S, compared with R and B). Co-injection with d50 RNA had no effect on β-catenin, Sqt, or Boz functions (E,H,K,N,Q,T). Embryos are at 70% epiboly, shown in lateral view, dorsal to the right.