Misexpression of chordin in ß4GalT5MO embryos. (A) In situ hybridizations of chordin in control-injected embryos show that expression is restricted to the dorsal axis (asterisk in all panels). Arrows indicate the limits of chordin expression and identify the presumptive dorsoventral boundary. (B) Embryos injected with ß4GalT5MO display disorganized chordin expression, including invasion into the presumptive ventral domain. For comparison, the limits of chordin expression in control embryos (A) are indicated by the white arrows. In ß4GalT5 morphants, chordin expression extends beyond the boundaries seen in control embryos and envelope the ventral hemisphere. In contrast to that seen with chordin, the expression of the Fgf target mkp3 (arrowheads) appears unaffected in morpholino-injected embryos.