Temporal and spatial expression of ß4galt5 during zebrafish embryogenesis. (A) RT-PCR analysis of staged RNA provides a temporal profile of ß4galt5 expression. There was no detectable level of ß4GalT5 in oocytes. Expression was first detected in the early gastrula embryo (50% epiboly), and reached a steady state by mid-somitogenesis. Error bars indicate s.e.m. (B-E) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of ß4galt5. Expression is widespread throughout the embryo with some refinement in stage-specific structures. (B) Dorsal view of 80% epiboly embryo. Note expression throughout the embryo with a slight increase in the dorsal axis (arrow); peripheral stain reflects `edge effects' due to oocyte curvature. (C,D) Near ubiquitous expression throughout the bud (C, anterior view) and 12-somite stage embryo (D, lateral view, dorsal view at hindbrain level). Note expression in the developing polster (arrows, C) and floorplate (arrow, D). (E) Twenty-six-somite stage embryos (lateral view). Arrows indicate higher expression in intersomitic boundary. Inset illustrates expression at the midline of the otic vesicle (arrow).