Fig. 9
Implantation of Fgf4 protein-soaked beads into fgf10/dae fin buds. Dorsal (A-C) and lateral (A′-C") views of 2.5-day-old embryos, anterior towards the left. Expression of genes indicated was examined by in situ hybridisation in operated left-hand side (A′- C′) and unoperated right hand side fin buds (A"- C"). Fgf4 protein is unable to rescue expression of fgf8 (A-A"). Conversely, Fgf4 protein is able to rescue the expression of both shh (B-B") and eng1a (C-C") in operated fin buds. Yellow asterisks indicate the position of implanted beads (A′- C ′). LV, left view of embryo; RV, right view of same embryo. |