Fig. 1
Phenotype of daedalus mutant embryos. (A,B) Dorsal views of live 5-day-old sibling (A) and dae mutant (B) larvae, anterior towards the left. dae mutants lack pectoral fins, but appear otherwise normal. (C,D) Alcian Blue staining of the pectoral fin endoskeleton. Wild-type endoskeleton (C) consists of a pectoral girdle, postcoracoid process and endoskeletal disk attached to the cleithrum. dae mutants (D) retain only a dysmorphic pectoral girdle and cleithrum. (E,F) Transverse cryosections of 40 hpf mutant and sibling embryos stained with Methylene Blue. Mutant embryos (F) have a smaller undifferentiated fin bud, without an apical ridge (ar, arrow), when compared with siblings (E). ed, endoskeletal disc; pp, postcoracoid process; sc, scapulocoracoid. |