Term Name: hepatocellular carcinoma Search Ontology:
  • adult primary hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Hepatoma
Definition: A liver carcinoma that has_material_basis_in undifferentiated hepatocytes and located_in the liver. (3)
  • EFO:0000182
  • ICD10CM:C22.0
  • ICDO:8170/3
  • MESH:D006528
  • MIM:114550
  • NCI:C3099
  • ORDO:88673
  • SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:154469006
  • UMLS_CUI:C2239176
Ontology: Human Disease   ( DOID:684 )
OTHER hepatocellular carcinoma PAGES
GENES INVOLVED No data available
Fish Conditions Citations
WT chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Yang et al., 2019
particle radiation Wu et al., 2020
cancer xenotransplantation Tonon et al., 2016
gz26Tg/gz26Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Monroe et al., 2022
becn1hza56/+ (AB) standard conditions Mawed et al., 2020
nn1005Tg standard conditions Lu et al., 2014
y1Tg cancer xenotransplantation Tonon et al., 2022
cancer xenotransplantation Kim et al., 2020
cancer xenotransplantation Tonon et al., 2016
gz24Tg chemical treatment: mifepristone Zheng et al., 2014
gz26Tg chemical treatment: doxycycline monohydrate Zheng et al., 2014
gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Li et al., 2019
chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Yang et al., 2017
chemical treatment: doxycycline Yan et al., 2017
chemical treatment: doxycycline monohydrate Yan et al., 2015
chemical treatment: doxycycline monohydrate Chew et al., 2014
chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Li et al., 2017
gz37Tg chemical treatment: doxycycline Huo et al., 2019
nn1006Tg standard conditions Tu et al., 2017
nn1010Tg standard conditions Su et al., 2019
nn1011Tg standard conditions Su et al., 2019
gz15Tg; gz32Tg standard conditions Baell et al., 2018
chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline HCl Li et al., 2019
gz25Tg/gz25Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Monroe et al., 2022
gz25Tg chemical treatment: doxycycline monohydrate Zheng et al., 2014
gz25Tg; gz38Tg chemical treatment by environment: afimoxifene, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Li et al., 2019
mitfaw2/w2; mpv17a9/a9 cancer xenotransplantation Bartucci et al., 2017
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nn1002Tg control (2)
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nn1003Tg control Yang et al., 2019
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nn1004Tg control Lin et al., 2019
gz25Tg/+; gz26Tg/+ chemical treatment: doxycycline Li et al., 2015
gz25Tg/gz25Tg; gz26Tg/gz26Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Monroe et al., 2022
mitfab692/b692; ednrbab140/b140; zf1047Tg/zf1047Tg (AB) standard conditions Huang et al., 2017
mitfaw2/w2; mpv17b18/b18; gz32Tg control Kumar et al., 2016
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nn1002Tg; nn1003Tg control Yang et al., 2019
tp53zdf1/zdf1; nn1002Tg; nn1004Tg control Lin et al., 2019
PHENOTYPE No data available