Figures for Brożko et al., 2022
Figure Caption


Identification of pretectal boundaries in the diencephalon of 48 hpf zebrafish. Confocal Z-stack images showing brain sections stained using in situ hybridization with nkx2.2a, lhx9, tcf7l2 and gbx2 probes. Sagittal sections: (A–D) Expression of nkx2.2a and lhx9 in medial (A,B) and lateral (C,D) sections delineate the alar-basal boundary. Also, nkx2.2a expression identifies the rTh and Pth, while lhx9 expression identifies the cTh and Hab. (E,F) Expression of tcf7l2 identifies prosomere 1 and 2; co-staining of tcf7l2 and gbx2 identifies the cTh. Transverse sections:(G,H)tcf7l2 co-stained with gbx2 and nkx2.2a marks the Pt, Hab, cTh, and rTh. The schemes show the regions identified by the markers in each merged image. Stripe pattern indicates co-expression of two markers; saturated color indicates high expression signal while lighter color indicates low signal. The yellow lines in (E,F) show the sectioning plane of the transverse sections in (G,H). Ap, alar plate; bp, basal plate; Hab, habenula; Mes, mesencephalon; p1, prosomere 1; p2, prosomere 2; p3, prosomere 3; Pt, pretectum; Pth, prethalamus; Rh, rhombencephalon; cTh, caudal thalamus; rTh, rostral thalamus.

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