Fig 5

Figures for Concilio et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig 5 Perchlorate IC<sub>50</sub> determination for HA-human-, HA- minke whale-, and HA-zebrafish NIS.

Lentivirally transduced HeLa cells were incubated with 125I- with increasing concentration of perchlorate (ClO4-) for 50 minutes prior to two washes with cold buffer. IC50 values were determined via non-linear regression using the equation setting: {inhibitor} vs. normalized response—variable slope–inhibition in Prism 8. Human NIS ClO4- IC50 = 1.566 μM. Minke whale NIS ClO4- IC50 = 4.566 μM. Zebrafish NIS ClO4- IC50 = 0.081 μM. Values are average of triplicate assays with standard deviation.

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