Fig. 1

Lavin et al., 2023 - Assessment of Oral Albendazole and Fumagillin in the Treatment of Pseudoloma neurophilia in Adult Zebrafish
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Fig. 1

For the 28-d pilot study, each study group was observed daily and the time required to finish the diet recorded. On most days, the albendazole group took less than 5 min to finish the diet (no feed observed in the tank after 5-min post-feeding), whereas on most days the fumagillin group took over 15 min to finish the diet. All groups finished the diet by 60-min post-feeding. Fisher exact test was used for statistical analysis where albendazole and fumagillin were each compared to the control and post hoc analysis using a Benjamini-Hochberg correction. A P value < 0.05 was considered significant.

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