Fig. 2

Yang et al., 2023 - Optimized protocol for live imaging of overnutrition-elicited interactions between immune cells and β cells in zebrafish
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Fig. 2

Prepare and use the nutrient-rich medium (A) Harvest egg yolk. (B) Add equal amount of 0.3x Danieau’s solution to an egg yolk-containing conical tube. (C) Generate 50% stock by vigorous vortexing. (D) Prepare working medium by vigorous mixing of 5 mL Stock and 45 mL 0.3x Danieau’s solution. (E) Add 25 mL of the 5% egg yolk medium and < 20 larvae to a clean 50 mL beaker. (F) Transfer the larvae into the Sterile Cell Strainer in a Petri dish. (G) Quickly transfer the larvae into a 50 mL clean beaker with 25 mL of the 5% egg yolk medium. (H) Put the beaker into a 28°C incubator. As sediments accumulate, stir the medium every 2 h (I) Transfer the larvae clear of egg yolk into a Petri dish with 0.3x Danieau’s solution.

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