Fig. 1

Alba-González et al., 2022 - Distribution of Neurogranin-like immunoreactivity in the brain and sensory organs of the adult Zebrafish
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Fig. 1

(a) Results of NCBI Blastp showing amino acid identity (%) of full-length sequences of neurogranin from rat (R. norvegicus), spotted green pufferfish (T. nigroviridis), Atlantic salmon (S. salar), and zebrafish (D. rerio) variants a (derived from nrgna > Nrgna-60 and Nrgna-92) and variant b (nrgnb > Nrgnb-188). (b) Alignment of neurogranin sequences containing IQ domain between organisms. Right column indicates the position of the last amino acid shown in the selected portion of the whole sequence. Twenty-five amino acids were fully conserved (*), six amino acids were strongly similar (:) and only two amino acids were weakly similar (.). IQ domain is highly conserved in all sequences [16 (*), 2 (:), and 1 (.)]. Serine (S) located in position 36 (outlined box) in basal actinopterigyans (E. calabaricus), reptiles, birds, and mammals, is substituted by glycine (G) in teleosts and X. tropicalis, and by asparagine (N) in sarcopterygii (L. chalumnae)

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