Figure 1

Bartel et al., 2021 - Spectral inference reveals principal cone-integration rules of the zebrafish inner retina
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Figure 1

Measuring high-spectral resolution tuning curves in zebrafish bipolar cells

(A) Schematic of the larval zebrafish retina, with cone terminals in the outer retina and bipolar cell (BC) terminals in the inner retina highlighted.

(B) Mean calcium responses of red-, green-, blue-, and UV-cone terminals to a series of 13 spectrally distinct widefield flashes of light as indicated (data from Yoshimatsu et al.27). Note that, for clarity, the response to a 14th “low-power-control” UV LED was graphically removed compared to the original publication.

(C–F) Illustration of recording strategy for BC terminals in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and exemplary results. An optical triplane approach (C, top) was used to simultaneously record from three planes of larval zebrafish BC terminals expressing SyjGCaMP7b by way of two-photon imaging coupled with remote focusing (STAR Methods). From here, we automatically placed regions of interest (ROIs) and detected the boundaries of the IPL (D; STAR Methods). Time traces from all ROIs in a recording plane were Z scored and averaged across 3–5 response repeats of the full stimulus sequence (E). Example traces from individuals ROIs (F) are shown as individual repeats (gray) and averages across repeats (black).

Zebrafish larva schematic (A) by Lizzy Griffith. See also Figure S1.

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