Figure 1

Caro-Astorga et al., 2020 - Two genomic regions encoding exopolysaccharide production systems have complementary functions in B. cereus multicellularity and host interaction
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Figure 1

The eps1 region is organized in multiple transcriptional units. (A) Comparison of the genetic structures of the B. cereus eps1 region and the B. subtilis epsA-O operon. Conserved genes are in black and weave and unique genes are marked in grey. Top, a gene cluster predicted to be involved in the production of an EPS in B. cereus. Bottom, the operon involved in the synthesis of the biofilm EPS in B. subtilis. Automatic annotation of the genes in the eps1 region is shown. (B) qPCR with cDNA obtained by reverse transcribing RNA isolated from a broth culture of B. cereus grown for 24 h at 30 °C.

Expression Data

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