Fig. 7

Green et al., 2017 - Recovery of shape and size in a developing organ pair
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Fig. 7

Recovery of ear shape and size asymmetry after modulation of Fgf8a. A,B: Single confocal planes for hsp70:fgf8a;actb2:membrane‐citrine individuals heatshocked at 12 hpf. Scale bar = 50 µm. Supplementary Movie S6 shows 3D visualizations of ear and lumen shapes and volumes. Dot/arrow colors mark the same individuals in C–J. White arrow (B) points to epithelial tissue bisecting an elongated lumen. C–F: Ear (C) and lumen (D) volumes; ear (E) and lumen (F) shape ratios. Untreated wild‐type mean values (dark gray) and SD (light gray) as in Figure 3. Each arrow connects left (treated) and right ear values for one fish at one timepoint (three to four timepoints for three individuals, one color per individual). Squares replace arrows shorter than an arrowhead. G–J: B/S ratios for ear (G) and lumen (H) volumes; ear (I) and lumen (J) shape ratios (untreated wild‐type as in Fig. 3, gray dots). Black‐outlined colored dots match individuals in A–F. See Supplementary Table S2.

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