Fig. 9

Mandal et al., 2013 - Transgenic retinoic acid sensor lines in zebrafish indicate regions of available embryonic retinoic acid
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Fig. 9

The 12XRARE:EGFP transgene is expressed in the eye, pectoral fin motor neurons, and brain. A: The 12XRARE:EGFP reporter is expressed in the dorsal retina (dr), by 30 hpf. The dorsal retina expression was visible due to PTU treatment. Expression in the ventral retina (vr) was reported previously (Waxman and Yelon, 2011). B: Expression of the 12XRARE:EGFP reporter is maintained and expanded in the dorsal retina and ventral retina by 56 hpf. C, D: At 78 hr, EGFP expression from the 12XRARE:EGFP reporter is visible in the pectoral motor neuron axons and their termini at the base of the pectoral fin (arrowheads in C and D). Both transgenes are expressed in neurons in the brain (arrow in D). The red lenses in B-D are due to α-cry:DsRed expression, which was used in the Tol2 construct. The β-actin:GDBD-RLBD;UAS:mCherry reporter was not expressed in the eye. Red at the periphery of the eyes in B–D is due to auto-fluorescence from residual pigment cells. Auto-fluorescent cells are also found in the trunk at later stages, despite PTU treatment (arrow in C). Views in C and D are dorso-lateral. Magnification of images in A, B, and D is 200×. Magnification of images in C is 100×.

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