- Title
Mutations in PCYT2 disrupt etherlipid biosynthesis and cause a complex hereditary spastic paraplegia
- Authors
- Vaz, F.M., McDermott, J.H., Alders, M., Wortmann, S.B., Kölker, S., Pras-Raves, M.L., Vervaart, M.A.T., van Lenthe, H., Luyf, A.C.M., Elfrink, H.L., Metcalfe, K., Cuvertino, S., Clayton, P.E., Yarwood, R., Lowe, M.P., Lovell, S., Rogers, R.C., Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, van Kampen, A.H.C., Ruiter, J.P.N., Wanders, R.J.A., Ferdinandusse, S., van Weeghel, M., Engelen, M., Banka, S.
- Source
- Full text @ Brain
CRISPR zebrafish PCYT2 model. Two transgenic zebrafish lines were created by knocking out the third (pcyt2_03) and final 13th exon (pcyt2_13), respectively. (A) Complementary DNA expression analysis of pcyt2 using two primer sets in wild-type (WT), pcyt2_03 and pcyt2_13 showing low/absent pcyt2 expression in pcyt2_03 and moderately reduced pcyt2 expression in pcyt2_13. eif1α was used as loading control. (B) Kaplan-Meier plot for the survival of the first 5 days post-fertilization, significance was calculated using the log rank and Wilcoxon test [χ2for equivalence of death rates: wild-type versus pcyt2_03 = 21.440258 (P < 0.0001), wild-type versus pcyt2_13 = 6.497151 (P = 0.0108) and pcyt2_03 versus pcyt2_13 = 4.700852 (P = 0.0301)]. (C) Survival at 6 weeks post-fertilization for wild-type, exon 3 and exon 13 deletion showing a significantly higher survival for the exon 13 deletion mutant, significance calculated via fisher exact test (P < 0.001). (D) The pcyt2_13 line compared with the wild-type at 6 weeks of age showing smaller overall size and abnormal tail-fin morphology. EXPRESSION / LABELING: