- Title
Evolutionary and developmental analysis reveals KANK genes were co-opted for vertebrate vascular development
- Authors
- Hensley, M.R., Cui, Z., Chua, R.F., Simpson, S., Shammas, N.L., Yang, J.Y., Leung, Y.F., Zhang, G.
- Source
- Full text @ Sci. Rep.
Gene expression patterns of kank1a and kank1b in zebrafish embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of zebrafish embryos at stages 15 hpf (a,b,h and i), 24 hpf (c-e,j-l) and 48 hpf (f,g,m,n). Anterior is to the left in all the whole-mount images, and dorsal is to the top in all transverse sections. (a,b). Lateral and dorsal view of the expression of kank1a at 15 hpf. (c,f). Lateral view of kank1a expression at 24 hpf and 48 hpf, respectively. (h,i). Lateral and dorsal view of the expression of kank1b at 15 hpf. (j,m). Lateral view of kank1b expression at 24 hpf and 48 hpf, respectively. The dashed lines indicate the positions of sections. The letters below the dashed lines correspond to the panels. b, brain; cf, caudal fin bud; di, diencephalon; e, eye; hb, hindbrain; hv, head blood vessels; kv, Kupffer?s vesicle; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; mb, midbrain; n, notochord; nt, neural tube; op, optic vesicle; ov, otic vesicle; pa, pharyngeal arch; pf, pectoral fin. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Kank2, kank3 and kank4 gene expression during zebrafish development. Whole mount in situ hybridization of zebrafish embryos at stages 15 hpf (a,b,j,k,s,t), 18 hpf (v), 24 hpf (c-e,l,m,u) and 48 hpf (f-i,n-q,w-z′). Anterior is to the left in all whole-mount images, and dorsal is to the top in all transverse sections. (a-i). Gene expression of kank2. (j-r). Gene expression of kank3. (s-z′). Gene expression of kank4. The dashed lines indicate the positions of section. The letters below the dashed lines correspond to the panels. The inset within panel (u) is the transverse section of the dashed line above. The white arrow points to the kank4 expression on the vascular vessels on the surface of the yolk. af, anal fin bud; cf, caudal fin bud; cv, caudal vein; da, dorsal aorta; df, dorsal fin bud; dlv, dorsal longitudinal vein; e, eye; hb, hindbrain; hv, head vessels; llp, lateral line premordia; psm, presomatic mesoderm; lpm, lateral plate mesoderm; mb, midbrain; nt, neural tube; ov, otic vesicle; pa, pharyngeal arch; pcv, posterior cardinal vein; pf, pectoral fin bud; so, somite. EXPRESSION / LABELING: