ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-011010-3

Mapping Details

Gene Name: aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member A2
Symbol: aldh1a2
Genome Build: GRCz11Chromosome: 7
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 7 30,326,184 - 30,367,650 GRCz11
Ensembl 7 30,326,184 - 30,367,650 GRCz11
Vega 7 30,055,034 - 30,096,500 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 7 30,327,056 - 30,367,514 GRCz11
UCSC 7 - GRCz11
Mapped Clones containing aldh1a2
CH211-94N14 Chr: 7 Details
Feature Chr Position Assembly Citations
i26 7 30,341,642 GRCz11 Begemann et al., 2001
ihb812 7 30,331,844 - 30,331,848 GRCz11 Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee
nz15 7 30,352,292 GRCz11 Wingert et al., 2011
sa2367 7 30,330,356 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 30,059,206 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 31,666,864 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa16776 7 30,333,492 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 30,062,342 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
7 31,670,000 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
tpl137 7 30,333,250 - 30,333,733 GRCz11 Burg et al., 2018
tpl138 7 30,333,264 - 30,333,729 GRCz11 Burg et al., 2018
tpl139Tg 7 30,333,729 - 30,333,730 GRCz11 Burg et al., 2018
u11 7 30,330,444 GRCz11 Grandel et al., 2002
um22 7 30,327,866 GRCz11 Alexa et al., 2009

Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
7 2980.0 cR raldh2 Goodfellow T51 (T51) Geisler, Robert Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z8693 SSLP 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) report aldh1a2 corresponds to an  ...
z11119 SSLP 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) report aldh1a2 corresponds to an  ...
z9273 SSLP 7 49.0 cR Grandel et al., 2002 Grandel et al. (2002. Development 129:2851-2865) report mapping aldh1a2 to LG 7 at a distance of 49 cR from the marker z9273, using the T51 radiation hybrid mapping panel. aldh1a2 mapped adjacent to EST fb50h01, which is a fragment of aldh1a2 near the 5' end.
fb50h01 EST 7 0.0 cM Grandel et al., 2002 Grandel et al. (2002. Development 129:2851-2865) report mapping aldh1a2 to LG 7 at a distance of 49 cR from the marker z9273, using the T51 radiation hybrid mapping panel. aldh1a2 mapped adjacent to EST fb50h01, which is a fragment of aldh1a2 near the 5' end.

Chr 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) report aldh1a2 corresponds to an EST (fb50h01) mapped  ...
Markers Encoded by aldh1a2
fb50h01 Chr: 7 Details
Genomic Feature i26 is an allele of aldh1a2
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
fb50h01 EST 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) used bulk segregant analysis to  ...
z8693 SSLP 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) used bulk segregant analysis to  ...
z11119 SSLP 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) used bulk segregant analysis to  ...
Genomic Feature um22 is an allele of aldh1a2
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z10441 SSLP 7 7.0 cM Alexa et al., 2009 Alexa et al. (2009.PLoS One 4(12):e8261) report mapping um22 to LG7, linked to  ...
z8693 SSLP 7 Alexa et al., 2009 Alexa et al. (2009.PLoS One 4(12):e8261) report mapping um22 to LG7, linked to  ...
Genomic Feature nz15 is an allele of aldh1a2
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z8693 SSLP 7 0.14 cM Wingert et al., 2011 Wingert and Davidson report mapping n15 to Chr. 7 using meiotic mapping.
z11894 SSLP 7 1.0 cM Wingert et al., 2011 Wingert and Davidson report mapping n15 to Chr. 7 using meiotic mapping.
z1182 SSLP 7 3.04 cM Wingert et al., 2011 Wingert and Davidson report mapping n15 to Chr. 7 using meiotic mapping.
z4999 SSLP 7 6.38 cM Wingert et al., 2011 Wingert and Davidson report mapping n15 to Chr. 7 using meiotic mapping.
Genomic Feature i26 is an allele of aldh1a2
Chr 7 Begemann et al., 2001 Begemann, et al. (2001. Dev 128:3081-3094.) used bulk segregant analysis to demonstrate the nls  ...
Genomic Feature um22 is an allele of aldh1a2