Fig. 2
Cellular changes caused in the CMZ due to ethanol exposure.
(A-C) Alcama staining of ethanol treated embryos (B, C) showed expansion in comparison to control embryos (A) at 48 hpf in peripheral CMZ. Solid while lines indicate the lens and dashed lines indicate expression domain of Alcama. (D) Quantification of Alcama positive cells in the ventral CMZ at 48 hpf. The number of Alcama positive cells in a single optic nerve containing confocal section of the retina was counted. (E-G) rx1 ISH sections showed reduced expression after ethanol treatment in peripheral CMZ. (H-J) p57kip2 FISH experiment showed reduced expression in central CMZ. Images show rostral at top, lateral at left. (K) qPCR showed reduced transcript levels of rx1 and p57kip2 genes at 72 hpf after ethanol treatment in comparison to control retinas. Fold changes in gene expression was calculated using comparative CT method (ΔΔCT). Error bars indicate standard deviation. ‘*’ indicates statistical significance in comparison to control embryos (p<0.05). Scale bar = 10 μm.