Fig. 4
CARF facilitates Wnt/?-catenin signaling in zebrafish embryogenesis. (a) The whole mount in situ analysis of CARF expression in zebrafish embryogenesis. The embryos at indicated developmental stages were fixed for in situ hybridization with CARF probe. (b) CARF knockdown attenuates Wnt activation in Tg(tcf:egfp) line. (c, d) CARFcas009 mutant or CARF morphants show reduced Wnt signaling activity via a p53-independet manner. Embryos injected with the indicated morpholinos or morpholino-mRNA mixture were fixed at the 60% epiboly stage and then analyzed by WISH with cdx4 (left) or tbx6 (right) probe. The relative expression of each marker was classified into two categories: normal (N) or weak (W). The number of the total embryos scored (n) is shown on the top of each bar.