Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Xenoestogens Partially Replicate the Effects of E2 on HSPC Formation
(A) Exposure to xenoestrogens ethinyl estradiol (EE), genistein (GEN), or Bisphenol A (BPA) decreased runx1/cmyb expression and could be partially blocked by cotreatment with FULV (n ≥ 25/treatment).
(B) Treatment with GEN reduced the expression of fli1/flk1 in the intersomitic vessels (n ≥ 25/treatment); an arrow points to ISVs.
(C) Treatment with GEN (15/25) and EE (12/23) decreased Notch:GFP expression.
(D) VEGFAa was noticeably decreased by EE (15/26); arrowheads indicate somite region.
(E) Summary of changes in the expression of markers of vascular identity ephrinB2, flt4, notch3, and deltaC following treatment with XEs (n ≥ 25).
(F) qPCR confirmed decreases in runx1, cmyb notch3, and scl by XE exposure (mean of triplicate experiments ± SEM; one-tailed t test ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01).