Fig. 2
Developmental mRNA expression patterns of apoA-Ia and apoA-Ib. In situ hybridization of apoA-Ia and apoA-Ib during gastrulation [80-100% epiboly (E)], somitogenesis [15-20 somite (S)], and daily until 6 dpf. Both genes localize to the YSL from somitogenesis through 5 dpf, apoA-Ia localizes to the intestine (I) at 6 dpf, and apoA-Ib localizes strongly to the liver (L) and weakly to the intestine at 6 dpf. All zebrafish are wild type except 6-dpf larvae, which are nacre-/-. Larvae studied at 2-5 dpf were treated with PTU to prevent pigment formation. No signal was observed for either gene at the eight-cell stage or blastulation (supplementary material Fig. S1). Experiments were performed three times for each gene at each stage with ne5 embryos or larvae per probe per experiment.