Fig. 3
Fig. 3 In situ hybridization of artery markers in 30-somite stage mibta52b mutant and wild-type sibling embryos. (A) In wild-type siblings, ephrinB2 expression is apparent in the DA (red arrowheads in A-J). (B) In mibta52b mutant embryos this expression is absent. (C) In wild-type sibling embryos notch3 is expressed within the DA. (D) In mibta52b mutant embryos notch3 expression is absent from both vascular and non-vascular tissues. (E) In wild-type sibling embryos grl is expressed specifically in the DA. (F) In mibta52b mutant embryos the expression of grl is not affected. (G) In wildtype sibling embryos deltaC is expressed within the DA. (H) In mibta52b mutant embryos expression of deltaC within the DA is decreased in approximately half of the mutant embryos. Excess neuronal expression is apparent (black arrow). (I) In wild-type siblings the T-box transcription factor tbx20 is expressed normally within the roof of the DA. (J) In mibta52b mutant embryos this expression is normal. Scale bar (A-J) 100 μm.