Fig. 5
Numbers of serotonergic neurons and neurons expressing dat are normal in trpm7 mutants (A,B; A2,B2) Dorsal views of the (A and B) pre-tectum (Th1 group 7) and (A2 and B2) hypothalamus (Th1 group 13) in 5 dpf control and trpm7 mutant larvae, as indicated, processed to reveal anti-5HT (red) and anti-Th1 (green) immunoreactivity (IR). Th1 IR cells were reduced in mutants (quantified in Fig. 4), 5HT IR cells were normal in number (below). Scale bar in A=30 μm and applies to A?D; scale bar in A2=50 μm and applies to A2?B2 and E, F. (C and D) Dorsal views of 5 dpf Tg(dat:gfp) larvae focused on the pretectum (group 7). GFP-expressing neurons were equally abundant in trpm7 mutants and controls (control: 65 +/- 7; mutant: 60 +/- 10). (E and F) Ventral view of hypothalamus (group 13) in embryos of the indicated genotype processed to reveal dat expression by in situ hybridization. (G) Bar chart indicating numbers of 5HT IR and GFP-expressing neurons within the pretectum (group 7) of trpm7 mutants (or trpm7 mutant; Tg(dat:gfp) transgenic) and controls. Number of neurons was not significantly different between the genotypes. (Anti-Hu IR-positive cells in DRG caudal to hindyolk at 5 dpf, control: 32± 0, mutant: 31±1). (H) qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA levels of th1, th2, dat, and bdnf. Asterisks indicate significant difference; Np<0.001. Error bars represent SEM. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 386(2), Decker, A.R., McNeill, M.S., Lambert, A.M., Overton, J.D., Chen, Y.C., Lorca, R.A., Johnson, N.A., Brockerhoff, S.E., Mohapatra, D.P., Macarthur, H., Panula, P., Masino, M.A., Runnels, L.W., and Cornell, R.A., Abnormal differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in zebrafish trpm7 mutant larvae impairs development of the motor pattern, 428-39, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.