Fig. 2
The miR-30 family is required during early embryonic development to regulate Hh pathway activity.
Embryo somite structure at 24 hpf is shown (A–D). Ptc1 expression analysis was used as a read out of Hh pathway activity, showing elevated levels in miR-30 morpholino and dnPKA treated embryos when compared to wild type embryos (E–H). Slow muscle fibre number was quantified by immunohistochemistry using the S58 antibody (yellow/green) and MF20 staining (red). Embryo sections are orientated dorsal side upwards (I–L). Images are shown of wild type embryos (A, E, I), miR-30 morpholino treated embryos (B, F, J), dnPKA treated embryos (C, G, K) and miR-30 overexpression embryos (D, H, L).