Fig. 4 Birc5b protein is expressed during meiosis, mitosis, and cytokinesis.
Birc5b is expressed along the length of the meiotic spindle during anaphase and concentrates at the spindle midzone (A?E). Birc5b localizes to the meiotic midbody and concentrates at one end, corresponding to the ooplasmic side (F?J, arrow in H, I). During mitotic metaphase Birc5b co-localizes with AurB on the spindle (K?O). During cytokinesis in the early embryo, Birc5b localizes to the tips of bundled microtubules at the furrow (P?R). At the midbody in the cleavage-stage embryo, shown here at 2 hpf (S?V), Birc5b expression (U) overlaps with AurB (T) at the center of bundled microtubules (S) and extends beyond it.