Fig. 3
Fig. 3 Distinct MA domains are present at 2 dpf. (A-F′′,H-M′′) Two-color FISH of 2-dpf wild-type zebrafish embryos with probes detecting foxb1.2, otpb, lef1, lhx6 and irx5a expression. Maximum projections of up to 40 μm confocal stacks are shown in lateral (A-F′′) and dorsal (H-M′′) view. (A-A′′,D-′′3,H-H′′,K-K′′) The lef1 expression domain is positioned posterior to foxb1.2 and otpb, slightly overlapping with otpb expression. (B-B′′,E-E′′,I-I′′,L-L′′) lhx6 is expressed ventral and lateral to the foxb1.2 and otpb domain. (C-C′,F-F′′,J-J′′,M-M′′) irx5a expression is found anterior and dorsal to foxb1.2 and otpb expression. (G,N) Representation of the transcription factor expression domains in lateral (G) and dorsal (N) view. The black dashed line (G) indicates the plane of the expression domains shown in the dorsal view. Black lines in N indicate the position of the ventricle. PO, preoptic area; HB, hindbrain; d, dorsal; l, lateral; r, rostral. Scale bar: 60 μm.