Fig. S1
Fig. S1 Whole-mount ISH and qRT-PCR validations. The circadian expression of several genes was validated using whole mount ISH on embryos at the age of 48–72 hours (A–E, right curves) and qRT-PCR on adult pineal glands (F–H, right curves). Left curves represent the circadian profile of each gene as obtained by RNA-seq (solid line, left vertical bar) and DNA-microarray (dashed line, right vertical bar). Representative pictures of embryos heads (dorsal view), subjected to whole mount ISH for ndrg1b, dec1, dec2, reverbb2 and sh3gl2 at CT2 and CT14, are presented at the rightmost side of A–E. The pineal gland is indicated by a red arrow. Different letters represent statistical differences in mRNA levels as determined by one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey test (P-value<0.05). Note that cdh2 was not validated as circadian (H). Error bars represent SE (n = 10–15). CT = circadian time. Gray and black bars represent subjective day and subjective night, respectively. Whole mount ISH validation of camk1gb is given in Figure 3.