Fig. 5 Erythroid/Gata1 precursors are affected by csrnp1a knockdown.
(A, C, E) Control and (B, D, F) morphant embryos. At 8 somite stage the expression of the erythroid marker klf4 was not affected in morphant embryos (A, B) (100%, n = 48). However a clear decrease in gata1 expression was detected in csrnp1a deficient embryos (compare C with D) (54,8%; n = 23/42) without major changes in the number of myoD stripes (7,1%; n = 3/42, more than 2 stripes), which served as readout of developmental progression. Control embryos showed normal gata1 expression in 100% of the cases (n = 0/27) and 3,7% have altered myoD expression (n = 1/27). In agreement with gata1 inhibition, at 32 hpf terminal differentiation marker, hbae1, was reduced in morphant embryos (E, F) (32,6%; n = 14/43).