Fig. 3 Loss of function of cdk5 and dyrk2 inhibited the proper positioning of Rohon-Beard neuron in the dorsal part of the spinal cord. (A–D) Gene expression pattern of cdk5 (A–C) and dyrk2 (D–F) at 12 hpf (A, B, D, E) and at 28 hpf (C, F). Lateral view, anterior left (A, D) and dorsal view, anterior top (B, C, E, F). (G–I) The position of RB neurons in the dorsal spinal cord of each morphant at 28 hpf. Dorsal view, anterior top. In the morphants, the position of RB neurons shifted medially compare to the wild-type embryos (see Fig. 1I). (J, K) Quantitative data for the percentage of RB neurons on the midline (J), and total nomber of RB neurons within 3 segments (K). Data are mean ± SEM; NNNP<0.001, different from the wild-type embryos using 2-tailed paired Student′s t-test.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 370(2), Tanaka, H., Morimura, R., and Ohshima, T., Dpysl2 (CRMP2) and Dpysl3 (CRMP4) phosphorylation by Cdk5 and DYRK2 is required for proper positioning of Rohon-Beard neurons and neural crest cells during neurulation in zebrafish, 223-236, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.