Fig. 6
wnt2b expression in the intermediate mesoderm requires Osr function. mRNA in situ hybridizations on 13-somite stage (wnt2ba and tbx5a) and 22 hpf (wnt2bb) embryos using riboprobes as indicated on the left. All panels show dorsal views with anterior towards the left. (A-H) wnt2ba (A-D) and wnt2bb (E-H) expression in the IM (arrowheads) in wild-type (A,E), single (B,C,F,G) and double (D,H) Osr-morphant embryos. (I-L) Increasing Wnt signaling in double Osr-morphant embryos rescues tbx5a expression in the limb buds at 13 somites. (I,J) Embryos injected with β-catenin-GR mRNA show normal (I) or slightly larger (J) tbx5a expression domains (arrowheads) in the absence or presence of dexamethasone, respectively. (K,L) Embryos co-injected with β-catenin-GR mRNA and the two Osr MOs show reduced (K, arrowhead) or rescued (L, arrowhead) tbx5a expression domains in the absence or presence of dexamethasone, respectively. hpf, hours postfertilization; s, somite.