Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Cellular expression patterns of Smarca4-regulated retinal genes expressed specifically in photoreceptor layer/ONL at 52 hpf. A total of eight genes were found to express in the photoreceptor layer/ONL. There are six types of cellular expression pattern: (A) rho & gnat1, (B) guk1, (C) nme2l & elovl4, (D) rcv1, (E) ndrg1 and (F) annat2. If more than one gene has the same expression pattern, only one example is shown and its name highlighted in blue. For each gene, the ventral and the lateral views of WT and smarca4a50/a50 retinas are shown. Some specific expression locations in the retina are highlighted by black arrows. The corresponding clade of the dendrogram from Figure 2D is reproduced in (G). Refer to Figure 1 for sample abbreviations. Scale bar: 50 μm.