Fig. 5
Alk6b is expressed in spermatogonia and is required for BMP signaling activity in the zebrafish testis. (A) Immunohistochemistry for Alk6b shows that protein expression is primarily limited to the spermatogonia in the wild-type testis, with faint staining in some spermatocytes. (B) Alk6b is highly expressed in zebrafish GCTs. (C and D) immunofluorescent detection of phospho-SMAD1/5/8 on cryosections of wild-type and mutant testis. Nuclear p-SMAD1/5/8 is present in wild-type testis (C), indicating active BMP signaling. BMP signaling is absent in alk6bW256X mutant testis (D). (E) Quantitative Real-Time PCR of BMP target genes in wild-type and tumor testis. The BMP targets id1 and id2 are expressed at lower levels in tumors, whereas mdkb expression is derepressed. (Scale bars, 100 μm.)