Fig. 3 Rest knockdown sensitizes embryos to exogenous shh. Lateral, head and hindbrain views of 28 hpf control (A, D, G), shh mRNA (B, E, H) and shh mRNA/REST mo (C, F, I) microinjected embryos stained with antisense probes for Hh response genes. Injection of shh mRNA results in enhancement of ptc1 (B) and nkx2.2a (E), while pax3a (H) expression is reduced. rest morphants treated with the same amount of shh mRNA have increased expression of Hh target genes compared to shh mRNA treated embryos. These embryos have enhanced expression of ptc1 (C) and nkx2.2a (F), while pax3a is further reduced (I). This demonstrates that Rest knockdown enhances the response to high levels of Hh.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 340(2), Gates, K.P., Mentzer, L., Karlstrom, R.O., and Sirotkin, H.I., The transcriptional repressor REST/NRSF modulates hedgehog signaling, 293-305, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.