Fig. 1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-240731-55
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- Chen et al., 2024 - Somatostatin signalling coordinates energy metabolism allocation to reproduction in zebrafish
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Growth, fecundity and breeding efficiency of sst1.1 and sst1.2 deficient zebrafish and their wild-type siblings. a sst1.1+/+ and sst1.1?/? linear and ponderal growth (n=23 to 32 per time point) under normal feeding showing the mutants significantly longer than wild-type only at 60 days. b sst1.2+/+ and sst1.2?/? linear and ponderal growth (n=22 to 34 per time point) under normal feeding showing the mutants significantly longer than wild-type only at 55 days. c Left, the number of eggs per clutch spawned every 3?5 days by sst1.1+/+ and sst1.1?/? zebrafish under normal and ad libitum feeding, with mutants fed ad libitum spawning significantly fewer eggs than wild type; Right, Breeding efficiency of sst1.1+/+ and sst1.1?/? zebrafish under normal and ad libitum feeding, with mutants fed ad libitum having significantly lower breeding efficiency than wild type. d Left, number of eggs per clutch spawned every 3-5 days by sst1.2+/+ and sst1.2?/? zebrafish under normal and ad libitum feeding, with mutants under normal and ad libitum feeding spawning significantly more eggs than wild type; Right, Breeding efficiency under normal and ad libitum feeding with mutants under normal and ad libitum feeding having significantly higher breeding efficiency than wild type. Data are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean |