ap2s1 modulates distinct kinematic features of acoustically evoked SLC and LLC escape responses Average movement parameters of acoustically evoked behavioral responses of sibling (blue) and ap2s1 mutant (red) larvae across 40 strong (23.8 dB) acoustic stimuli, separated by SLC (left) and LLC (right) responses. (A‒F) Average acoustic response latencies for SLC (A,C,E) and LLC (B,D,F) behavior of ap2s1 mutants and their siblings. (G‒I) Average maximum turning angle of the initial C-bend of ap2s1 mutant and sibling responses. (J‒L) Average duration of the initial C-bend of ap2s1 mutant and sibling responses. (M‒O) Average maximal angular velocity of SLC and LLC responses of ap2s1 mutants and siblings. The ap2s1p172 allele was used in panels A, B, G, J, M (n = 260 siblings, n = 88 mutants), ap2s1hv1 was used in panels C, D, H, K, N (n = 123 siblings, n = 40 mutants), ap2s1p199 was used in panels E, F, I, L, O (n = 100 siblings, n = 28 mutants). Data are represented as mean ± SEM in all panels. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, two-tailed t-test with Welch’s correction.